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Excitement builds in Leverkusen ahead of expected Bundesliga title win

来源:Planet Pages news portal编辑:business时间:2024-06-04 01:36:01

LEVERKUSEN, Germany (AP) — Excitement was building in Leverkusen, Germany on Sunday ahead of local team Bayer Leverkusen’s expected Bundesliga title-clinching win to cap off an outstanding season.

Leverkusen is unbeaten in a German record 42 games across all competitions this season and it needs just one win from its last six Bundesliga games to be sure of winning the title for the first time.

The team’s first opportunity comes against visiting Werder Bremen on Sunday.

Hours before kickoff, fans were already gathering to soak in the atmosphere and drink the local Kölsch light beer on a sunny afternoon.

Houses were decorated with club banners and scarves along the streets from the city’s main train station to the BayArena stadium, and tape in the club’s black and red colors decorated trees. Fans lined the main road to the stadium to greet the team bus.

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